Friday 22 May 2015

Updates: April & May

Guess who's back?? Haha. 
Anyways just an update on what I've been doing for the past two months; well, nothing much just that I've been mainly preparing for my exams and now that its all over, I can finally heave a huge sigh of relief. 

Its been two months since my last post and I'm really happy to say that I can get back to more blogging since its the June holidays!  
I will be heading over to Taiwan soon so I won't be able to post for the next week or so. But, once I'm back, I will definitely share more about my trip and give you guys some extra tips.
Other than that, hopefully I can post up more reviews as well and if you have any requests you'd like me to post, do leave a comment or simply send in a message aite!

Have a great weekend everyone!